Chill out your day: Synthetic Villains presents Obstacle Navigation

Richard J Turner aka Synthetic Villains is back with his second solo album of happy go lucky electro-pop to chill out your day.

Lets’s press play and see what Obstacle Navigation sounds like >>>

‘Arcade’ twitchy drum beats fly behind a day-glo chiptune version of a house riff. Then a bass riff straight from New Order! Oh yeah!

‘Ghostly Shadows’ : look…, that does what it says on the tin. This also has a New Order vibe, kinda ‘Thieves Like Us’-ish. Oh yeah!

‘Computertune’ also does what it says on the tin. Fair play to Richard for his song titles 🙂

‘Panic Attack Kids’ : the circus has come to the village in a SNES RPG, but there be monsters lurking on the horizon…

‘Sunbeam Flyer’ moves up from SNES to Game Boy as an Italian plumber has magic mushrooms and hits on a princess much younger than he is.

‘No Funfair’, yep you guessed it! This is Scooby Doo all the way!

‘Energy Exchange’ : imagine if you will, Three Dimensional Tanx’s ‘I Am Go’ mashed up with a chiptune cover of ‘View To A Kill’.

‘Wander Off, Wondering’ is more Eastern and post-rock, reminiscent of colourhorizon faves E-GONE.

The music of Obstacle Navigation sweeps warmly against you, like memories of innocent times. You can practically imagine the video game that would wrap itself around Richard’s music. It’s time to leave the village and set sail!

Interview with Richard for the first SV album!

Head to the contents page to find reviews, interviews, articles and much more!

Richard is also guitarist in the amazing Three Dimensional Tanx!

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