Influencing physics: Bitchin Bajas live ateliers claus

The spaceman drifts up, or down as it may be, as the pull of Jupiter exerts, not only a physical pull but also a mutual physical and emotional desire. The spaceman wants to see Jupiter. And Jupiter wants to see him. Like a huge red eye the giant peers at the little lost man. One wonders which is more desperate for attention and company.

The spaceman remembers his homestead, barren and bare. Jupiter resolutely rotates around a dim yellow star; aware vaguely of it’s importance but not quite grasping the relevance to it’s own situation. It’s moons cling to him lovingly but offer little succour. If only Jupiter and the spaceman could meet. The spaceman drawers nearer, as if needing and longing can influence physics.

He descends and desires. Jupiter welcomes him lovingly. As he enters the environs, gasses surround him. They embrace finally and are together. The spaceman enters peace. Jupiter is momentarily content, but desire more friendship.

Bitchin Bajas live ateliers claus is an expansive, plentiful live set of dreamy experimental electro.

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