Podcasts: Pontifacts ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Fry and Bry, two friends gifted with ambition and scope, are embarking on a huge podcast adventure. Deep history analysis has been waiting for the dawn of podcasts: a format to pick over the minutae of the past in gloriously obsessive detail. Hell, Gibbon was born at the wrong time (ironic) . The longer the history podcast series, the better. History podcasting is where the subject can almost be explored in real time, becoming a window to the events, letting the listener to slowly travel that path alongside the people that did it first time around.

Fry and Bry are going deep. They are taking us through the history of the papacy. Pope by pope. Every single pope. And anti pope. They tell you the background, what they got up to, the contemporary religious and political environment, whatever piece of heresy they were bickering over at the point.

Sound dry? Don’t worry. Fry and Bry are fun, easy going hosts. They take their subject very seriously but not what they do or how they do it. For at they end of each episode they rate each pope. They give him marks on his works, his secular impact, his juicy juicy sandaliciousness (if any) then rate his face. Yes, his face. Then if he isn’t a patron Saint (most of the early ones are) they find him something to be patron Saint of, like photo copiers or Toblerones (my suggestions). Then they consider his final score and put him on a spreadsheet.

Pontifacts is an addictive, whimsical, educational podcast. In a good way… I expect to never finish it. This is history… Why should it finish?


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Check out this interview with For Screen And Country pod in which Brendan and Jason watch the BFI top 100 movies!

Nosey at the CONTENTS for reviews of psych, electro, soundtrack music, interviews, articles and general weirdness!

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