1st listen excitement – Silver Ladders by Mary Lattimore

It can be hard to be a reviewer at times as you have to convey an emotion when you first hear an album, you have this rush and a desire to stand up on your blog soap box and say:

“Hey everyone! Listen to this! This is like some harp psychedelic music! It’s got drone and soundtrack music going on, but totally folk-y! It’s John Cale level beautiful, or Durutti Column! It’s stark and intricate at the same time! It sounds fresh and timeless! It’s like drone-y and poetic. Mary Lattimore is a harpist genius and she’s made this album with Neil Halstead from Slowdive! The guitar is like Western at times, you gotta hear ‘Til A Mermaid Drags You Under’! And there’s snyth-y washes, like 80s movies! But it’s all about the sea which you totally get! And the harp! Don’t forget the harp! It’s so lovely! It’s being by the sea, it’s memories of youth, it’s worlds to step into! It’s too much to get your head around! Listen to it!”

– Me, just then, 2021

And that’s all I got! So not a review, an expression of the urge to stop people and say… just listen to Mary Lattimore!

And buy it here!



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