The Maitlands – When It Rains, It Pours goes on Take Me Out

“Let the Mait see the Lands” quips Paddy, surprisingly well attired. “Brand new song… reveal yourself!”

‘When It Rains, It Pours’ emerges like the cock of the walk, like a strutting 10 foot tall sex machine. Like Iggy Pop with more monkey glands. The 30 single girls go crazy as it sprays pheromones and heavy guitars at them. All 30 lights remain resolutely lit.

It stands next to Paddy, who is immediately emasculated in the shadow of it’s pendulum bell-end, but endeavours to keep authority over his show. “Ladies, what do we think of ‘When It Rains, It Pours’, then? What about you Sally?”

“I love it heavy me” winks Sally, “ you can flatten me any day with your riff action”

Briony is next to offer comment: “the wordplay had me dazzled, you can make me laugh in Langley”

Pauline’s double entendre was cut as it was too risque for television and had to edited out.

The next round and ‘When It Rains, It Pours’ exposes it’s cheeky, dirty remixes and several of the ladies appear visibly shaken. “I love your remixes” smoulders Felicity, “you can rearrange my internal workings”. This causes some some shock and confusion.

“I love how the second guitar pops like ‘View To A Kill’ “ considers Amy, “and you can view me all night”

“Well” says Paddy, impressed “all 30 lights have remained on, the power is in your hands. Who are you going to take to the Isle of Fernando?”

To cut a long story short, ‘When It Rains, It Pours’ picked Felicity to go on a date to the Isle Of Fernando, the date went very well and it shagged her being a Turkish Restaurant.

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